Location ideas for your photo shoot

October 13, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

One of the most common questions I get is "Where is a good place for my on-location photo shoot?"  Luckily we live in an area with many different great locations to shoot.  

  1. At your home.  I've taken some great family photos at the home of my clients.  Shooting in the front yard with the family home as the backdrop brings a nice familiar feel to the photo.  Also, backyards often have places to shoot as well.
  2. At a park.  Most communities have a park nearby.  Finding a park with a lot of trees or bushes helps to eliminate buildings and/or cars in the background of your shots.  
  3. At the beach.  The beach is out of my "included" travel zone but I often travel to the beach for shots for a small extra cost.  Santa Monica pier is a great beach for fun photos on the pier.  Laguna Beach has some awesome spots for photos among the rocky tide pools.  
  4. In the mountains.  There are many great places for photos in the San Bernardino mountains.  Crestline & Lake Arrowhead areas have many beautiful locations.  There is a small extra cost for traveling up the mountain as well.  
  5. Downtown.  Shooting downtown amongst the buildings and traffic can add a dramatic element to your photos.  There are many classic old buildings to include in the background of your photos as well.

Use the map below to explore some of my personal favorite shoot locations. 



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